Liver Chi Flo
Description:  A bright, uplifting syngery of highly effect oils to support the flow and balance of Liver chi or energy.
A deeply fragrant, highly concentrated blend of 6 essential oils known as hepatic stimulants, that tonify and stimulate stagnant Liver energy; at the same time releasing toxins and pentup emotions.
Liver imbalance can trigger strong emotions such as anger, tension, frustration, compulsive behavior, and insomnia, mental weakness, and uncertainty.
Organic essential oils of Sweet Orange, Bergamot, Helichrysum, Blue Yarrow, and Wild Spikenard  in pure jojoba.
Suggested Applications:  
Place a drop on the palm, rub palms together, inhale.  Massage a small amount gently over the lower abdomen, right side, near Liver. Locate Liver 3 point, just above the web between first and second toes; rub in gently with a circular motion.
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